Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#AppSpinners Google Style

Just sitting on the back porch enjoying the lovely summer evening and designing a new app spinner...Google style. You can't design app spinners and not think Google Apps! I was especially inspired today by the EdTechTeam coming into town for the South Plains Google Summit hosted by LubbockISD. Googlely ideas are overflowing!

Use this app spinner to app smash Google tools for professional learning, to review concepts, design new learning activities, or have students explore, practice, and show what they have learned. I hope you and your students enjoy using these as much as I'm having fun making them.

Get your own GSuite App Spinner here - - Select File and Make a Copy.

Treasure clue to next #appspinners idea........... think pirate and resources!
Until next time...let your compass be your guide!


  1. Hello!

    Is there an additional resource explaining how to use the Google Tools app spinner for a lesson?



    1. Good question Joe! I have not made any specific directions, but the basic premise is app smashing. Place a fidget spinner in the center of the #appspinner, using a corner of a sticky note or piece of tape as a pointer and spin. Wherever the pointer lands, students would use that app for showcasing their learning. Or, use all three apps where the spinner stops. For example: Take notes in Google Keep, link Keep notes into a Google Doc via Tools tab, and Google Drawings to design an infographic. Thank you for the question and suggestion. I'll get to work putting some ideas together.

    2. Thanks for the prompt response, Sydney! I look forward to reading your upcoming post.
